
Saturday, April 26, 2008

on a day pass.

today the reverend and i took a little trip to the nearby town of grimsby, ontario, to go to the 30th annual wayzgoose book arts fair for the first time. we also wanted to have a bit of time away from our home and away from the city.

grimsby is a nice little place, but i wouldn't want to live there. i'm sure this is due no small part to the fact that the only other time we "visited" grimsby was when the muffler fell off our car and we spun through three lanes of traffic on the q.e.w. and had to get towed away by a gruff man named al. i didn't like al much and he didn't like us. i would have been unsurprised if he had killed or otherwise tortured us. instead he did a bad job on the bottom of the car, charged us lots of money and let us leave with our lives.

this visit was much nicer. we went to some thrift shops (the kind where some things are still a quarter), walked around a bit and soaked in all manner of bookish things at the fair. the images pictured are the work of shannon bray (if my notes are correct). the one pictured above is an amazing multileveled paper diorama of saintliness in the wild west (or so i have decided). i don't know why, but i stopped taking pictures early on. oh yes, the light was a bit dim for my camera. but i also went home with some of shannon gerard's newer stuff and a letterpress plate that really spoke to me. maybe i'll post a picture of that when the mood strikes me. until then, stay prepared, dear reader...

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